Download the whole PDF file 176KB | 19P Guiding Principles at Toyota 26KB | 1P Foreword 33KB | 1P What is the "Toyota Code of Conduct"? 56KB | 1P CHAPTER I TOYOTA AND US 41KB | 2P 1-1 Creating a Harmonious and Lively Work Environment CHAPTER II OUR ACTIVITIES IN THE COMPANY 57KB | 6P 2-1 Compliance with Laws and Regulations2-2 Use and Management of Assets and Confidential Matters2-3 Insider Trading2-4 Activities Promoting Safety2-5 Environmental Preservation Activities2-6 Research and Development Activities2-7 Procurement Activities2-8 Production and Distribution Activities2-9 Sales Activities2-10 Overseas Business Activities2-11 Profitability Enhancement Activities CHAPTER III SOCIETY AND US 46KB | 4P 3-1 Corporate Communication Activities3-2 Philanthropy and Community Relations3-3 Shareholder Relations3-4 Government Relations3-5 Political and Religious Activities3-6 Traffic Safety Education Activities3-7 Disaster Prevention and Crime Prevention ActivitiesAcrobat Reader 4.0 or higher is required to view these PDF files.
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